


Artwork by Lisa-Colette Martin

Acrylic on canvas,  20″W x 16″H  (unframed)




Artwork by Lisa-Colette Martin

    I am amazed at evidence of God’s planning and of pre-determination. There are hints of His existence everywhere. This painting combines two ideas. Images of the Helix Nebula constellation crossed my path; connected to it are comments of astonished astronauts having stated ‘Wow, God really is watching over us.’ Hence, one nickname for this constellation is the Eye of God. I wanted to merge this image with part of David’s story from 1st and 2nd Samuel in the Bible to illustrate the idea of God watching over and knowing us. In 1 Samuel 16:1-13, we read that the Lord instructed Samuel to visit Jesse, the Bethlemite because the Lord had chosen a future replacement for King Saul from Jesse’s eight sons. Honored by Samuel’s visit and request, Jesse presented seven of his sons, eldest to youngest. But none were found to be the appointed future king. The Lord asked, ‘Don’t you have any other sons?’ Jesse with a bit of surprise admitted he had an eighth son, clarifying that he was only a youth and out shepherding the sheep. God said, yep, he’s the one.1 It’s awe-striking that God deliberately chose a teenager out of a sheep pasture and transformed his lowly position into a life of leadership and authority. No one could fathom David’s future as one of greatness. This is a useful example of why we should question our preconceptions over what is significant versus insignificant. God sees each of us out in the open just as He saw David; there is no hiding in, or being pushed into the background. David went from the isolation of shepherding to becoming known as an undefeatable warrior. David’s skill set from the pastures led him to take down the mighty Goliath with a rock and slingshot. And that was a prelude to David later conquering many nations. David became involved with king Saul’s administration, gearing up for battles while still tending the family’s sheepfold in-between his work for the palace.2 David’s kingship was formalized later as he matured.3 This is one of several stories illustrating that God truly is the author of every little detail.4 Many instances and roles come from unexpected, minuscule circumstances. Each of us is significant to God.

1 Sam 16:1-13 Successor to Saul chosen

2 Sam 17:15 David’s two jobs

3 Sam 5:1-5 David’s kingship formalized.

4Psalm 8 God is the author of every little thing & detail.